In the past years, Tuba and Irisan is connected to each other. Irisan is known as IDISAN but because of the colonizer IDISAN turn to IRISAN. Irisan is thickly forested with pine trees place. Irisan is the biggest population with 33 barangays.
Joaquin Smith was the first Mayor of Tuba and Irisan. The first families in Irisan are Luna, Smith, Bugnay, Alvarez, Maganes, Oseo, Binay-an, Copero, Dunnong, Gabol, Menecio, Tacloy, Balaon, Ingosan, Catalan, Tacay, Cutay, Mang-os and Salda. The Ibaloi house is made of pine wood and cogon stick/grass or plank walls. Not all people in Irisan are Ibaloi because some people in lowlands migrate to Irisan and the other Ibalois migrate to the other place .
Virgina Luna is the one/part of ancestors of the first families in Irisan. Vigina Luna is not Ibaloi by birth but she is knowledgeable enough. She's married 2 times, her first husband is Lopez Oseo and second husband is Felix Luna. She Adore 9 children, 1 adopt, and 1 another step sister. Virgina Luna, She is Barangay Captain since 1972-1988.
Therefore, Irisan is minorization, marginalization, dislocation, silence and invisibility of the Ibalois is in the face of rapid urbanization and massive in migration of numerous people.